Picture this: you're deeply engrossed in programming or gaming, and the last thing on your mind is blinking. It happens to the best of us, and for those who've battled dry eyes, it's a familiar struggle.
As an iOS developer, I encountered this firsthand, and that's where Blink Watch App comes into play. This nifty app sends gentle vibrations to remind you to blink at intervals you choose – anywhere from every 2 to 15 seconds. Simple, effective, and a game-changer for screen-intensive moments.
You have control over the intensity of vibrations, and if you prefer a silent mode, just pop your watch into silent, and voilà – no more sounds. The app tirelessly works for up to an hour, giving your eyes the attention they deserve. Plus, it speaks your language, literally! Blink Watch App is available in English, French, and Russian. So, the next time your focus is on point, let Blink Watch App handle the blinking. Your eyes will thank you.